
Friday, October 31

After two and half months

I think i have a bit of a love- hate relationship with Hong Kong.

On the love side:

Last night i was wondering around the streets and i realised that nightime still feels surreal to me with all the people around and the many neon lights. I kept thinking there must be some sort of celebration on but no its just the way it is all the time.

I feel very safe here, in fact safer than i did in Melbourne.

I love the contrast between inner city living and the countryside (yes there is countryside in Hong Kong).

I know its overly touristy but i love Stanley. I feel completely transformed there like i've landed in some part of Europe (not that i've ever been to Europe).

I love the MTR. So convenient and clean not at all like the train lines back home. In fact i actually like public transport here, i hated it back home.

I love Lamma island. In fact its probably my favourite part of HK. A great veggie restaurant, no cars, dogs wandering around freely, so different to where i live.

The view from my apartment. I regularly look out the bedroom window and see birds flying past in addition to great fireworks, beautiful skyline, mountains in the background, the harbour and boats.

On the downside:

Some days i get sick of the crowds. I don't understand how people can run to get the next train but then walk so slowly around the streets its especially a hassle when i have arms full of grocery bags and i can't seem to get around the slowly walking crowds.

I don't think i will ever to adjust to the ducks, and pigs and all sorts of other dead animals hanging from the front of restaurants.

The beeping of horns, must you really hold down the horn for 10 minutes (ok maybe a slight exaggeration) especially annoying on the rare occasions it happens out the front of my building when i'm trying to sleep.

My small kitchen which i seem destined to break things in. (So far on the list is one large plate, two bowls, one small plate, and two glasses, in addition to the turmeric bottle.)

Pedestrians not having right of way.

Bread, Why can't i find any decent wholemeal bread, or any decent bread?

And the biggest one my family and friends aren't here.

Missing you as usual!


Wednesday, October 29

A little drama

I'm sitting in the apartment eating dinner watching tv and relaxing when the alarm sounds.

I call Michael to check if he knows about any alarm testing which was the case last time.

He knows nothing about it and I curse myself for not checking the latest notice.

It's probably a false alarm i tell myself.

But the alarm keeps ringing.

Mmm 11 flights of stairs isn't very tempting.

Why can't i use the lift? I know i know all those signs 'in case of fire do not use lift' have it drummed into me.

Yeh its probably a false alarm.

I look outside and see one of my neighbors walking back in to their apartment.

Oh maybe i should start walking down the stairs.

So i do.

Do you have any idea how long it takes to walk down 11 flights of stairs well 22 actually because each floor has two flights of stairs. It makes me glad that i don't live on the 28th floor.

As i get to the bottom there are few people out the front and two fire engines.

Boy am i glad i made the trip down.

I speak to one of my neighbors who informs me that their is a fire in block c (we are in block a).

I wait, and wait. Enough to have two phone conversations with Michael, and to find out that my neighbor lives on the 26th floor (he took the lift). He was born in Cambodia, but grew up in France, and has lived in Hong Kong for two years.

About six firemen leave the building and they take off in one fire engine.

The alarm stops.

Finally i think to myself i can go back up.

But then the other firemen enter my building (block a) with all their equipment.

Oh no why are the entering my building?

The fire alarm is going again.

Oh nooooooo

So i wait while they go up the lift and come back down then stand around in the lobby again.

The alarm is off again.

I ask the doorman if it is ok to go back up.

He makes the universal ok sign with his fingers.

I go back upstairs relieved.

About five minutes later the alarm goes off again.

Its probably just a result of the previous alarm.

So i wait until my conscience gets the better of me.

This time however i am taking the lift.

I press the lift button and wait.

Mmm once again the thought of those signs enter into my head and i start to walk.

Yes i walk down 22 flights of stairs again.

This time to discover that it was a complete waste as the alarm is off and the doorman gives me the ok sign.

Well at least i can say i have done my exercise for the week.

Special lunch

I'm going out to lunch with everyone from work today

We are going to a vegetarian restaurant to celeberate my working visa finally coming through.

I'm not sure if i will be up for the chop stick challenge

I still havn't mastered the art of using them.

Yes i know i've been here for two months

But the truth is i'm not really a fan of Chinese food here.


Sunday, October 26

General update

I attempted the banana cake again (on michaels bday) and it come out fine in fact very yummy.

Teaching is good. I really enjoy it although saturdays are exhausting. I love the variety of ages of the children it makes it more interesting and keeps me on my toes. Some of the children have trouble pronouncing Miss Kristy their variation of my name is Miss Kritty. Its so adorable.

My filofax will finally be coming home to me when Michael returns.

I will definitely be coming home dec or jan. Either for xmas or for my friends wedding.

And i'm going to a rock concert today.


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